科學家表示,他們在英格蘭諾森伯蘭郡的一片海灘上發現了有史以來最大的巨型千足蟲(又稱 “馬陸”)化石,該發現純屬偶然。
The fossil was discovered when a boulder fell and cracked open at Howick Bay in Northumberland. It revealed a 75cm-long section of what's now been identified as an Arthropleura, a giant millipede that lived more than 300 million years ago.
Researchers at Cambridge University say that the whole creature would have been about 2.7 metres long -------– that's the same as a small car and could have weighed 50 kilos.
Given this Arthropleura's size, it's possible that it ate small invertebrates and even amphibians. Despite its incredible length and name, researchers say this giant millipede had fewer than a hundred legs.
boulder 巨石
identified 被鑒定,被認出
creature 生物,動物
invertebrates 無脊椎動物
amphibians 兩棲動物
incredible 不可思議的
1. What was the fossil found inside?
2. How long ago is it thought this millipede lived?
3. What did this millipede possibly eat?
4. True or false? Researchers think this millipede looked like a small car.
1. What was the fossil found inside?
The fossil was found inside a boulder that cracked open.
2. How long ago is it thought this millipede lived?
It's thought the millipede lived more than 300 million years ago.
3. What did this millipede possibly eat?
It's possible that it ate small invertebrates and even amphibians.
4. True or false? Researchers think this millipede looked like a small car.
False. Researchers thought it was the same length as a small car.