Hippos are noisy creatures making squeals, grunts, bellows and honks. But until now, the function of the loudest ‘wheeze honks’ the animals make has been a mystery.
河馬是會發出尖叫聲、哼哼聲、低吼聲和鳴叫聲的吵鬧動物。但到目前為止,這種動物發出的最響亮的 “喘叫聲” 有何用處仍是一個謎。
The researchers recorded hippo talk at a nature reserve in Mozambique to find out more about the behaviour of these talkative mammals. They broadcast the recordings through loudspeakers over lakes and found resident hippos responded differently to friends, neighbours and strangers, suggesting they could tell each other apart.
Hippos are not yet endangered, but their numbers are plummeting fast. The scientists say their study has important implications for conservation policy and could help the management of hippo populations in the wild.
squeals 尖叫聲
grunts 哼哼聲
bellows (低沉的)吼叫聲
honks 鳴叫聲
function 功能,用途
talkative 健談的(本文比喻河馬叫個不停)
resident 在當地生活的
endangered 瀕臨滅絕
plummeting 急劇下降
implications 意義,可能產生的影響
1. True or false? Scientists weren’t sure why hippos made the noises they did.
2. How did researchers find out about how hippos were communicating?
3. What did researchers broadcast over loudspeakers?
4. How endangered is the hippo population?
1. True or false? Scientists weren’t sure why hippos made the noises they did.
True. Until now, the function of the loudest ‘wheeze honks’ the animals make has been a mystery.
2. How did researchers find out about how hippos were communicating?
The researchers recorded hippo talk at a nature reserve in Mozambique to find out more about the behaviour of these talkative mammals.
3. What did researchers broadcast over loudspeakers?
They broadcast the recordings of hippos talking through loudspeakers.
4. How endangered is the hippo population?
They’re not endangered, but their numbers are plummeting fast.