最近,一款叫作 Wordle 的填字猜詞游戲引起了轟動,在游戲出售給《紐約時報》后,其創始人表示突然的成功讓他激動不已。
The cryptic word game everyone's talking about doesn't have fancy graphics or a team of designers. Josh Wardle, Wordle is a pun on his name, created it for his partner, who is an avid crossword fan.
人人都在談論這款暗藏玄機的猜詞游戲,它并沒有花哨的圖案,也沒有一整個設計師團隊。游戲名稱 “Wordle” 取自喬什·沃德爾(Josh Wardle)姓氏的諧音,他是為了極度熱愛填字游戲的另一半而創造這款游戲的。
Wordle first appeared as a no-frills, ad-free website in October. It had just 90 users at the start of November. But that number grew to 300,000 by the middle of this month. And now, millions play the game daily, according to the New York Times.
Wordle 最初在2021年10月以一個樸實且無廣告網站的形式問世。到11月初,只有90名用戶。但在本月中旬,這個數字已增至30萬。據《紐約時報》稱,現在每天都有數百萬人在玩這款游戲。
The purchase reflects the company's view that games like crosswords could help it hit 10 million digital subscribers by 2025.
fancy 花哨的
graphics 圖案
pun 諧音,雙關語
avid 狂熱的
crossword (縱橫)填詞游戲
no-frills 樸實無華,無虛飾
ad-free 無廣告
users 用戶
reflects 反映
subscribers 訂閱者
1. Who invented Wordle?
2. Why was Wordle invented?
3. How many users did Wordle have in November, one month after launching on a website?
4. How many digital subscribers does the New York Times think that word games like this could help it get by 2025?
1. Who invented Wordle?
Wordle was created by Josh Wardle.
2. Why was Wordle invented?
It was initially created for the creator's partner, who is an avid crossword fan.
3. How many users did Wordle have in November, one month after launching on a website?
In November, Wordle had just 90 users.
4. How many digital subscribers does the New York Times think that word games like this could help it get by 2025?
The New York Times thinks word games like this could get 10 million digital subscribers by 2025.