在漢語里,當我們感到驚嘆時,可能會說 “哇!”。英語里的 “Wow!” 也有相似的意思。這個感嘆詞除了用來表示驚喜和驚訝,還能怎么用?看視頻,用一分鐘時間快速學習 “wow” 的不同用法。
The first thing to know about 'wow' is that it's quite informal and we use it mostly when speaking, so our intonation is quite important.
The most common use of 'wow' is as an exclamation to express surprise.
Wow! You've shaved your beard off!
The surprise can be a neutral surprise but it's often a pleasant surprise.
Did you make that cake? For me? Wow!
We also use 'wow' to show wonder or amazement.
Wow! The Moon is so big tonight.
Notice that 'wow' can go at the beginning or at the end of the sentence when used as an exclamation, but it can also be used as a regular verb meaning 'to make other people feel admiration or excitement or wonder'.
She's an amazing pianist. She wows audiences every time she plays.
Has anything wowed you recently?
“Wow” 是一個非正式表達,使用時要注意語氣。
1. “Wow” 通常用來表達 “驚訝、感嘆、驚奇和贊嘆”。它可用來回應驚喜、發表贊嘆或對不好不壞的事表示感嘆。在表達這類感嘆時,“wow” 可以用在一句話的開頭或結尾。
Wow! You've shaved your beard off!
Did you make that cake? For me? Wow!
Wow! She has won so many trophies!
Did you see that? Wow!
2. “Wow” 還可在口語中作動詞用,表達 “使人贊賞、激動或驚嘆”。
She wows audiences every time she plays.
Has anything wowed you recently?
His performance has wowed everyone.