動詞 “appreciate” 有多個含義。在表示 “重視”、“感謝” 或 “完全理解” 時,“appreciate” 是及物動詞;在表示 “漲價,增值” 時,“appreciate” 是不及物動詞。看視頻中主持人 Roy 講解這個多義詞的四個常見用法。
1. 及物動詞 “appreciate” 表示 “重視,賞識,欣賞(人或事)”,認為此人或事很重要或很特別。在表達這個含義時,“appreciate” 后加人名或事物名稱。
I appreciate Luciana. She's amazing.
I really appreciate art. It enriches my life.
2. 及物動詞 “appreciate” 表示 “感謝,感激他人所做的事情”。
I really appreciate you organising the party.
Could you please talk to her for me? I'd appreciate it.
3. 不及物動詞 “appreciate” 表示 “漲價,增值”。
The value of my investment appreciated by 20% over the last five years.
It is predicted that home prices in the area will continue to appreciate in the coming years.
4. 及物動詞 “appreciate” 表示 “完全理解,意識到情況的重要性”。
I don't think you appreciate how serious the situation is.
We appreciate that you are unhappy with the product. However, we still need you to return it before we can process your refund.