名詞 “character” 除了可以表示 “(書或電影里的)角色” 以外,它還可以指 “個性” 和 “(事物的)特色”。怎么用包含這個單詞的搭配來表示 “人意志堅強、品格高尚”?看視頻,跟主持人 Phil 學習 “character” 的常見用法。
1. “Character” 是一個名詞,它可以表示 “(文學、影視作品中的)人物、角色”。
I can't believe they've killed off my favourite character in that TV series!
Who is your favourite character in Star Wars?
2. “Character” 還可以指 “性格,個性”。
He has a friendly character.
Please write down five words that can describe your character.
3. 包含 “character” 的常見搭配有:a lot of character(有個性);strong character(意志堅強);of good character(品格高尚)。
It takes a lot of character to be a good leader.
The way you dealt with that showed strong character.
You need to prove you are of good character.
4. “Character” 還可以表示 “(事物的)特色,特點”,尤其指 “(讓事物或地點具有魅力、趣味或與眾不同的)特性”。
The original furniture is what gives that house character.
The attention to detail in these clothes is what gives them character.