《媒體英語》帶大家一起學習 BBC 撰稿人在報道世界大事時常用的單詞、短語和固定搭配表達。
- 英國超市食品有望被貼上環保標簽 Eco-labels for supermarket food
- 豬死亡后臟器恢復生機 Reviving dead pig organs
- 新發明:省紙節能的 “去墨打印機” Paper-saving 'de-printer' invented
- 皮膚癌與不同膚色間的聯系 Skin cancer and different types of skin
- 用動物氧氣面罩從大火中救出貓咪 Cat saved from fire using an animal oxygen mask
- 全息影像是醫學教學的未來嗎?Are holograms the future of medicine?
- 科學家在英威爾士發現最早野火證據 Earliest evidence of wildfire discovered
- 西班牙港口城市將禁止游客在海洋中小便 Peeing in the sea at Spanish resort to be banned
- 科學家為不列顛群島所有生命進行基因組測序 Huge plan to map the DNA of all life in British Isles
- 歐盟將統一手機等電子設備充電端口 EU sets date for common phone charge cable
- 英國24種蝴蝶被列為瀕危物種 Some butterfly species disappearing in the UK
- 火星上曾有生命存在嗎?Was there life on Mars?
- 瀕危物種加灣鼠海豚仍有望免于滅絕 Still hope for an endangered porpoise species
- 英國政府考慮設立足球監管機構 Independent regulator for English football
- 英國國家信托基金會:果園正從景觀中消失 Orchards vanishing from the landscape, says National Trust
- 尿液細菌或是惡性前列腺腫瘤先兆 Detecting aggressive prostate cancer
- 英國叫聲最響亮的鳥類數量迅速恢復 Britain’s loudest bird makes ‘booming’ recovery
- 英國鄉村地區刺猬數量下降 Hedgehog populations in countryside falling
- 野火可能會減緩臭氧層恢復 Wildfires may slow ozone layer recovery
- 美國航空航天局新月球火箭首次亮相 Nasa's giant new SLS Moon rocket makes its debut
- “歷史性” 協商應對塑料污染Plastic pollution: Green light for 'historic' treaty
- 適齡接種 HPV 疫苗可大幅減少患宮頸癌風險 Vaccine could mean fewer smear tests needed
- 被隕石砸中的狗屋被拍賣 Kennel hit by meteorite gets auctioned
- 藥物排入河流威脅全球衛生 Medicine in rivers
- 地球樹木種類高出已知數量 Earth has more tree species than we thought
- 人氣猜詞小游戲被收購 Hit word puzzle game has been acquired
- 河馬也能聞聲識友 Hippos can recognise their friends’ voices
- 塔希提島附近發現 “原始” 珊瑚礁 Tahitian coral reef discovered
- 英國女王登基70周年慶祝安排公布 Queen's Platinum Jubilee: Celebration plans unveiled
- 源自刺猬皮膚的超級細菌 Superbug that came from hedgehogs
- 考古學家發現有史以來最大千足蟲化石 Largest-ever millipede fossil found
- 英國電視制作業投資回升 UK TV production rebounds
- 塑料垃圾成為海洋生物的新棲息地 Plastic pollution in the ocean creates new habitat
- 建造巨石陣的古人也吃甜食? Stonehenge builders' diets
- 人類活動使森林成為凈碳排放源 Human activity makes forests emit carbon
- “凌日搜索計劃” 招募志愿者在家中參與太空觀測 Transit Survey seeks armchair astronomers
- “提拉米蘇之父” 逝世 'Father of tiramisu' dies
- 英國數千座紅色電話亭將得以保存 Thousands of UK’s red phone boxes to be saved from closure
- 多動癥診斷中的性別差異 Gender gap in ADHD diagnosis
- 美國國家航空航天局開展小行星防御任務 Nasa mission to smash into asteroid launches
- “阿奇” 入圍最熱門男孩名榜單前十 ‘Archie’ enters the top 10 of most popular boys’ names
- 基因沉寂藥物有望改善卟啉病患者生活 Gene silencing medicine transforms crippling pain
- 英國薩里郡發現害蟲 “臭屁蟲” Stink bug discovered in the UK
- 早期嬰兒治療可減少自閉癥確診人數 Early baby therapy could reduce autism diagnoses
- 生物多樣性喪失可能造成 “生態崩潰” Biodiversity loss risks 'ecological meltdown' – scientists
- 稀有鳥類回歸威爾士 Rare birds are returning to Wales
- 英國面粉將加入葉酸以預防嬰兒先天缺陷 Folic acid to be added to UK flour to help prevent birth defects
- 英國懷特島發現兩個新的恐龍物種 Two new dinosaur species discovered on the Isle of Wight
- 自然報告:金槍魚部分品種數量回升,鯊魚和鰩數量下降 Tuna species on the rise but sharks and rays on the decline
- 昆蟲數量的減少與路燈有關 Streetlights linked to insect decline