《媒體英語》帶大家一起學習 BBC 撰稿人在報道世界大事時常用的單詞、短語和固定搭配表達。
- Pre-schoolers are watching more online video, says study研究顯示英國學齡前兒童上網看視頻時間增加
- Taller plants moving into warmer Arctic長得較高的植物向更溫暖的北極地區移動
- Cane toad DNA breakthrough 'may help stop' toxic pest DNA研究突破 “可能幫助防治” 有毒害動物海蟾蜍
- Assessing the world's fungi對世界真菌生存現狀的評估調查
- Ageism in the workplace工作場所的年齡歧視問題
- Should smartphones be banned at school?學校應該禁止孩子帶智能手機嗎?
- Emails while commuting 'should count as work'通勤時間查郵件應算入上班時間
- Liquid water 'lake' revealed on Mars科學家在火星上發現液態水體
- Why stealthy viruses are making you ill為什么隱性病毒會致病?
- New blue wine unveiled新款藍色葡萄酒在法國問世
- Unsafe slime toys claim流行兒童玩物 “鬼口水” 安全嗎?
- Killing rats could save coral reefs消滅老鼠可以保護珊瑚礁
- Social media apps are 'deliberately' addictive to users社交小程序“故意”讓用戶上癮
- Are British people the politest in the world?英國人最有禮貌嗎?
- Call to end predicted grades at UK universities英大學應停用“高考”預測成績錄取新生
- Is education making you blind?學習真的會傷害視力嗎?
- Queen's taxpayer-funded costs up 13% in 2017-18由納稅人買單的英女王花銷去年增長13%
- T-levels: a new vocational qualification for English teenagers英教育部為青少年增設職業資質課程
- Are chimpanzee beds cleaner than human ones?黑猩猩的“床”比人類的床還干凈?
- New fossil discoveries help explain bird evolution化石新發現有助于解釋鳥類進化過程
- Companies commit to cutting plastic pollution英國塑料協定:多家公司共同承諾減少污染
- Malaria experts fear disease's resurgence研究人員擔憂瘧疾疫情再起
- Royal wedding: Who's been invited?哈里王子大婚:嘉賓名單上都有誰?
- Mount Etna is 'sliding towards the sea'西西里島埃特納火山“正滑向大海”
- 'One-stop shops' set to speed up cancer diagnosis英國設立“一站式”體檢中心 加快癌癥診斷速度
- Rise in cancers 'caused by weight' in UK研究稱英國因肥胖致癌病例數上升
- A drinks bottle 'tax' to boost recycling英格蘭將征飲料瓶“稅”以促進回收利用
- Manchester United: Song sheets and 'cheerleader' ideas discussed by club曼聯主場太安靜?俱樂部考慮活躍現場的方案
- What future for a humble British coin?小面值英鎊硬幣 未來是去是留?
- UK proposes coffee cup ‘latte levy’英國議員提議對外帶咖啡杯征收“拿鐵稅”
- Healthy life expectancy in the UK depends on where you live英國人的健康預期壽命取決于其居住地
- Royal 'Fab Four' appear at charity event英國“王室四人組”出席慈善活動
- Black Death 'spread by humans not rats黑死病“由人類而非老鼠傳播”
- Plastic threatens coral reefs海洋塑料垃圾威脅珊瑚礁的生存
- Campaign to stop boiling live lobsters動物保護人士呼吁停止活煮龍蝦
- Free water refill points opened to cut waste英國推行“免費續水點”以減少塑料垃圾
- 'World's longest cave' discovered墨西哥潛水團隊發現“世界最長”水下洞穴
- Overseas students 'add £20bn' to UK economy海外學生每年為英國經濟注入200億英鎊
- France's cheek-kissing controversy法國女市長拒行貼面禮引來爭議
- Born in the wrong place for good schools?在英國想上好學校 要生對地方?
- New island may tell us about life on Mars火山生成的新島可能提供火星生命的證據
- Farthest monster black hole found天文學家發現距地球最遠的巨型黑洞
- AI becomes more alien人工智能自我挑戰 再創新高
- Shipwreck finds earliest astrolabe沉船中發現世上最早航海星盤
- Acidic oceans will affect sea life酸化海洋將威脅海洋生物
- Alarm over decline in flying insects飛蟲數量銳減值得警惕
- UK's inflation rate hit its highest for more than five years英國通貨膨脹率達到五年來最高
- Child and teen obesity spreading across the globe兒童和青少年肥胖已成全球問題
- Paris climate aim 'still achievable'巴黎氣候協定目標仍然可行
- Size matters when it comes to extinction risk動物的體型可能是決定其滅絕的關鍵因素