- Are you being served?能為您效勞嗎?
- Vaccine too expensive, says NGO無國界醫生組織稱疫苗在貧窮國家價格不菲
- To be on iceBBC:擱置
- Skate on thin iceBBC:情況危急,如履薄冰
- Stab in the back背后捅刀子
- Safeguarding your chocolate保衛你的巧克力
- Wildlife crime prints 'breakthrough'科學家找到從猛禽羽毛上提取偷獵者指紋方法
- The writing's on the wallBBC:不祥預兆
- Down the panBBC:泡湯了
- Downsize縮減規模
- Workplace competition?工作單位里的競爭?
- Eight new planets太陽系外八顆新行星中包括“外星球”
- Second windBBC:再次振作起來
- Whatever floats your boatBBC:隨心所欲
- At the movies看電影
- Easy access?出入方便嗎?
- In the eye of the stormBBC:暴風之眼
- Killing time消磨時間
- Sharing economy分享型經濟