- 英國男子將路坑變?yōu)樗囆g品 The man turning potholes into works of art
- bbc聽力下載,bbc learning english,鹽會危害健康嗎?Is salt a health risk?
- 意大利人對用蟋蟀做的意大利面各持己見 Cricket pasta divides opinion in Italy
- 植入心臟起搏器后迷你驢重獲新生 Miniature donkey given new lease of life with pacemaker
- 英國模特截肢后首次獨自去健身房鍛煉 UK model goes to gym for the first time as an amputee
- 高溫熱浪會對人的身體產(chǎn)生哪些影響? What happens to your body in a heatwave?
- “世界最深的地下住宿” —— 威爾士一旅館開在地下419米處'Deepest sleep in the world' – a Welsh hotel that's 419m underground
- 堅冰過多導致南極企鵝數(shù)量劇減 Antarctica penguins: How too much ice triggered population decline
- 世界規(guī)模最大人體掃描項目幫助了解疾病成因 World's largest body-scanning project to understand why diseases occur
- “自行車大巴” —— 護送兒童列隊騎行上學的新方式 Hundreds of children are catching the 'bike bus' to school
- 數(shù)千年來第一頭在英國林地出生的歐洲野牛 First bison born in British woodland in thousands of years
- 英國海濱小鎮(zhèn)用老鷹風箏驅趕海鷗 Scaring off seagulls with an eagle kite
- 蜂蜜能否提供解決抗生素耐藥性的方法? Could honey provide a way of tackling resistance to antibiotics?
- 水豚成為網(wǎng)紅明星 The capybaras taking over social media
- 英國環(huán)保藝術家啟動達特穆爾苔蘚栽植項目 Environmental artists begin Dartmoor moss-growing project
- 美國企業(yè)家花數(shù)百萬美元試圖 “逆衰老” The man spending millions trying to reverse ageing
- 自動售書機在英國火車站正式啟用 Book vending machine unveiled at train station
- 聽一聽用航天器數(shù)據(jù)創(chuàng)作的音樂作品 What does it sound like when you turn Nasa spacecraft data into music?
- 你會吃 3D 打印的奶酪蛋糕嗎? Would you eat a 3D-printed cheesecake?
- 巨型恐龍骨架模型在倫敦展出 Gigantic dinosaur skeleton on show in London
- 升級改造倫敦維多利亞時代的排水系統(tǒng) Updating London's Victorian sewage system
- 法棍面包被列入聯(lián)合國非物質文化遺產(chǎn)名錄 French baguette gets Unesco heritage status
- 一對英國年輕人為應對生活成本危機買下迷你住宅 UK couple buy a tiny house to tackle crisis
- 英國動物園慶祝第一只在歐洲出生的 “跳舞狐猴” UK zoo celebrates first 'dancing lemur' born in Europe
- 威爾士小島被評為歐洲首個 “黑暗天空保護帶” The little island with the darkest sky in Europe
- 山地自行車運動推動澳大利亞經(jīng)濟增長 Mountain biking boosts the Australian economy
- 監(jiān)控攝像頭捕捉到失蹤貓咪回家的一刻 Security camera captures moment missing cat comes home
- 魔方愛好者在 “魔方速擰賽” Rubik's Cube fans go head-to-head at 'speedcubing' event
- 看一看猿類用來交流的手勢 Watch the signals great apes use to communicate
- 牡蠣殼被用于建造 “活的” 防洪屏障 The oyster shells used to build a living flood barrier
- 狗能嗅得出主人壓力大 Dogs can smell stress on their owner's breath
- 輪椅上的舞者 The dancer who performs in a wheelchair
- 英國家庭自愿飼養(yǎng)導盲犬 UK family volunteers to raise guide dog puppies
- 什么是生物多樣性?保護它的意義何在? What is biodiversity and why is it important?
- 瀕危黑脈金斑蝶數(shù)量有望在墨西哥恢復 The endangered monarch butterfly could be making a comeback in Mexico
- 澳大利亞內陸發(fā)現(xiàn)罕見蛇頸龍化石 Rare plesiosaur fossil found in Australian outback
- 英國女孩倡導添加戴眼鏡的表情符號 UK schoolgirl campaigns for more glasses-wearing emojis
- 暖心一刻:黑猩猩母親剖腹產(chǎn)兩天后與寶寶團聚 Heartwarming moment: a chimp mum is reunited with her newborn baby
- 芬蘭女子免費為他人打掃臟亂房間 The influencer who cleans filthy homes for free
- 世界上最大四足機械外骨骼 World's largest four-legged exoskeleton
- 黑猩猩敲打樹根 “擊鼓” 傳訊 Chimps show off their 'signature' drum beats
- 瑞典科學家研制首個基于女性身體構造的汽車碰撞測試假人 Developing the first average female crash test dummy
- 來認識四對雙胞胎幼崽的狐猴爸爸 “宙斯” Meet Zeus the lemur, a busy dad of four sets of twins
- 噪聲也有 “顏色”?褐色噪聲真能幫你放松身心嗎? Noise colours and the calming benefits of brown noise
- 舞者用舞步幫助英國格拉斯哥音樂場館供電 Dancers' moves help to power Glasgow music venue
- 英國 “涂鴉先生” 畫滿自家整棟房屋 Mr Doodle: UK artist covered his entire house with doodles
- 英國女子和鴿子交朋友 An unexpected friendship between a woman and a pigeon
- 2022年 “搞笑諾貝爾獎” 名單揭曉 Ig Nobel awards announced for quirky scientific work
- 為什么狗與主人團聚時 “喜極而泣”?What does it take to make a dog cry 'happy tears'?
- 英國業(yè)余藝術家創(chuàng)作精美書口畫 Amateur artist goes viral for fore-edge painting