- It's on the cards這件事十有八九會發生
- Until I'm blue in the face任憑你磨破嘴皮
- Clean up your act改邪歸正
- You're pulling my leg!你在愚弄我!
- To fall at the first hurdle跌倒在第一關
- Pain in the neck令人討厭的事情或人
- Burn a hole in your pocket有錢不花難受
- Going forward從今往后
- A recipe for disaster后患無窮
- Crash course速成課
- You've sold it to me我完全信你
- Full of the joys of spring非常高興,充滿喜悅
- Test the water試探,摸底
- To lie through your teeth睜眼說瞎話
- To make a monkey out of me捉弄我
- Hot potato棘手的問題“燙手山芋”
- Cheap and cheerful物美價廉
- A bitter pill to swallow不得不吞的苦藥
- Potty地道英語:瘋了
- I'm game我很愿意
- Down the pan泡湯了、完蛋了
- Sweet tooth愛吃甜食
- Bumper-to-bumper交通長龍
- Thingy忘了名稱的物或人
- Across the pond大西洋彼岸
- People person人緣好的人
- A steal物美價廉就像是白送的
- Social media words社交媒體用語
- A barrel of laughs“開心果”
- To know something like the back of your handBBC短語:了如指掌
- To know something like the back of your hand了如指掌
- A face for radio其貌不揚
- Give me credit稱贊表揚我的功勞
- To keep the wolf from the door勉強度日
- Hot desk無固定辦公桌的現代辦公室
- 沒電了Out of juice
- 繁文縟節,官僚作風Red tape
- 表示內衣褲的詞語Words for underwear
- 私人專屬時間Me time
- 網絡欺凌Cyberbullying
- 白紙黑字In black and white
- 尷尬窘境A sticky situation
- 僥幸的脫險A close shave
- 腦子一片空白My mind's gone blank
- 睡一覺 考慮一下Sleep on it
- 一塌糊涂,遍地都是All over the place
- 拐彎抹角的問問題To go around the houses
- 安靜點兒/住嘴!Put a sock in it!
- 未知數,外卡A wild card
- 瞎猜A stab in the dark