- 點睛之筆 The finishing touch
- How to be more creative 怎樣才能更有創造力?
- 孕期在極端高溫下工作會對胎兒造成壓力 Working in extreme heat puts strain on foetus
- 有一手 Have it in you
- 闡明,揭示 Shine a light
- 意料之外的事情 A turn-up for the books
- Sing for your health! 為健康引吭高歌
- Smarter ways to learn from failure 從失敗中學習的聰明方法
- 阿爾茨海默病治療藥物獲重大突破 Alzheimer's drug breakthrough
- 巴塔哥巨龍骨架模型將在英國展出 Patagotitan: Colossal dinosaur heading for UK display
- A change for the better 好轉,改進
- The gift that keeps on giving 源源不斷的禮物
- 白花錢 Money down the drain
- 勉強糊口 Live hand to mouth
- Can we improve our memory? 記憶力可以提高嗎?
- 女球員穿為男性設計的球靴更易受傷 Boots made for men an injury risk to women footballers
- Quiet quitting 安靜退出
- 生病 Come down with something
- 生小病 Catch a bug
- Should you build a capsule wardrobe? 你可能也需要一個 “膠囊衣櫥”
- 實驗室培養出的腦細胞可玩電子游戲 Lab-grown brain cells learn to play video game
- Hang in there 堅持下去
- 一籌莫展,束手無策 Be at your wits' end
- 筆誤 A slip of the pen
- Are first impressions really accurate? 人們對他人的第一印象是否準確?
- 英國為城鎮升級計劃調整藝術經費 英國國家歌劇院總部搬離倫敦 English National Opera to leave London as arts funding gets levelled u
- Call it a day 收工
- 動筆,下筆 Put pen to paper
- 說到做到 Put your money where your mouth is
- Controlling the weather 人類控制天氣
- 英國超市廉價食品價格總體上漲 Overall prices of budget food in UK supermarkets soar
- Win hands down 輕松取勝
- 腰纏萬貫,極為富有 Made of money
- 走遍天涯海角 Go to the ends of the earth
- Are we born to love learning? 人天生就愛學習嗎?
- 五小時睡眠是健康身體的最低要求 Five hours' sleep is tipping point for bad health
- Fever pitch 極度興奮,狂熱
- 打破沉默 Break one's silence
- 成敗在此一舉 Make or break
- Ice cream innovation 冰淇淋創新趨勢
- 英國國王查爾斯三世加冕儀式日期公布 Coronation date for King Charles III announced
- Twiddle your thumbs 閑著無聊
- 打破常規 Break one's routine
- 把水攪渾 Muddy the waters
- Rise in short-sightedness in children 兒童近視率上升
- “諾亞” 取代 “奧利弗” 成為英國最受歡迎男孩名字 Baby names: Oliver knocked off top spot by Noah
- Get your act together 有條不紊地行事
- 把壞消息告訴某人 Break the news to someone
- 掃除障礙,消除隔閡 Break down barriers
- The alternatives to milk 牛奶的替代品