- To make a monkey out of me捉弄我
- Hot potato棘手的問題“燙手山芋”
- Takes the biscuit太離譜了
- A wake-up call警鐘、警告
- Lights! Camera! English!燈光,攝像機,英語!
- Solar System's ninth planet?太陽系的第九顆行星?
- Work up to (doing something)做好心理準備(辦事)
- How would you like to pay?您選擇哪種付款方式?
- Huge canyon under the Antarctica?南極冰層下可能發現巨大峽谷
- Tricks of the trade某門生意或職業的訣竅
- Does my bum look big in this?我穿牛仔褲看上去是不是屁股很大?
- Cheap and cheerful物美價廉
- To break into (a profession)打入(一個職業領域)
- Tie the knot結婚
- A bitter pill to swallow不得不吞的苦藥
- Dry January新年戒酒一個月
- To throw money at (a problem)為解決問題花大筆錢
- Potty地道英語:瘋了
- The powers that be掌權的人
- Working in space在太空中工作
- Dogs 'can read canine emotions'狗可以讀懂犬類同胞的情感
- I'm game我很愿意
- Christmas kindness人們在圣誕節樂善好施
- Cancer – not 'down to chance'癌癥 - 不“取決于運氣”
- New blood新鮮血液
- What makes a good interview?談話類節目主持人采訪的成功秘訣
- COP21: The economics behind climate change巴黎氣候大會:氣候變化背后的經濟變化
- To have a soft spot對人或物有特別好感
- Love and money愛情與金錢
- Banking with apps手機銀行應用普及
- To look daggers at (someone)對某人怒目而視
- Up to your eyeballs (in something)BBC:忙得不可開交
- Are sweeteners safe and healthy?甜味劑是否真的安全又健康?
- 2015 likely to be warmest on record2015年可能成為史上最熱年
- Down the pan泡湯了、完蛋了
- Having the time of your life at uni?大學是人生中最美好的時光嗎?
- Antibiotics resistance warning專家警告稱后抗生素時代即將到來
- To while away the timebbc:消磨時間
- Tear your hair out抓狂
- Exams? 'Lucky pants' day穿“幸運內褲”參加考試能得好成績?
- Sweet tooth愛吃甜食
- To knock someone down with a feather令人大吃一驚
- Bumper-to-bumper交通長龍
- To lose sleep over something過度擔憂而失眠
- Run for cover - Abigail is coming!趕快躲 – 阿比蓋爾號暴風雨即將來臨!
- Pet dogs 'may help children avoid asthma' 寵物狗“可能有助兒童避免患哮喘”
- Here today, gone tomorrow“居無定所”的快閃潮店
- To hang on (to) someone’s every word一字不漏的聆聽
- Processed meat 'causes cancer' - WHO世衛組織:常吃加工肉制品增加患癌幾率
- Thingy忘了名稱的物或人