- 點睛之筆 The finishing touch
- 有一手 Have it in you
- 闡明,揭示 Shine a light
- 意料之外的事情 A turn-up for the books
- 白花錢 Money down the drain
- 勉強糊口 Live hand to mouth
- 生病 Come down with something
- 生小病 Catch a bug
- 一籌莫展,束手無策 Be at your wits' end
- 筆誤 A slip of the pen
- 動筆,下筆 Put pen to paper
- 說到做到 Put your money where your mouth is
- 腰纏萬貫,極為富有 Made of money
- 走遍天涯海角 Go to the ends of the earth
- 打破沉默 Break one's silence
- 成敗在此一舉 Make or break
- 打破常規 Break one's routine
- 把水攪渾 Muddy the waters
- 把壞消息告訴某人 Break the news to someone
- 掃除障礙,消除隔閡 Break down barriers
- 無望成功 Be dead in the water
- 沒打好基礎;毫無根據 Build something on sand
- 言歸正傳 Joking aside
- 陷入困境,遇到麻煩 Get into hot water
- 蓄勢待發,初見成效 Build up a head of steam
- 忙得不可開交 As busy as a beaver
- 付之一笑 Make a joke of something
- 玩笑反而開到自己頭上 The joke is on you
- 贊揚,吹捧 Build someone or something up
- 寄希望于某人或某物 Build (one’s) hopes on someone or something
- 打入市場 Break into a market
- 從頭開始創建某物 Build something from the ground up
- 全靠運氣 Be the luck of the draw
- 一連串好運或厄運 A run of luck
- 好運連連 Lucky streak
- 聽天由命,靠運氣行事 Trust to luck
- 慶幸運氣好 Thank your lucky stars
- 交好運 A stroke of luck
- 向某人介紹最新情況 Put someone in the picture
- 美麗如畫 As pretty as a picture
- 想象得到 Be able to picture something
- The picture of 非常,完美典范
- 構想,描繪 Paint a picture
- 大局,整體情況 The bigger picture
- 萬里無云;萬事大吉 Not a cloud in the sky
- 快起床!Rise and shine!
- 大放異彩 Shine through
- 立刻喜歡上某人 Take a shine to someone
- 樂于看到的人,喜聞樂見的事 A sight for sore eyes
- 眼不見,心不念 Out of sight, out of mind