- 密切觀察,盯著 Watch like a hawk
- 事后看來 In/with hindsight
- 更多 A sight more
- 悲慘的景象,慘相 A sorry sight
- 瞪圓雙眼 Eyes like saucers
- 眼里只有某人 Only have eyes for someone
- 著眼長遠 Take the long view
- 先睹為快 Sneak peek
- 眼到之處,一望無際 As far as the eye can see
- 見不得,受不了 Can’t stand the sight of
- 忽視,遺忘 Lose sight of something
- 只是面熟,似曾相識 Know someone by sight
- 眼光獨到,獨具慧眼 Have an eye for something
- 留意,特別注意 Keep an eye out for something
- 嚎啕大哭 Cry someone’s eyes out
- 大飽眼福 A feast for the eyes
- 眼尖,目光銳利 Eagle eye
- 眼見為實 Seeing is believing
- 頂呱呱 Tip-top
- 最新的 Up to date
- 最先進,最頂尖 State of the art
- 高端,高檔 High-end
- 頂級,一流 Top-drawer
- 發展前沿 The cutting edge
- 大費周折,費勁的事 A devil of a job
- 提供建議,帶來價值 Bring to the table
- 下班時;比賽結束 Close of play
- 未加思索,即興 Off the cuff
- 私下再談 Take something offline
- 概述 Helicopter view
- 籌劃中,進行中 In the pipeline
- 深入探討,仔細分析 Deep dive
- 雙贏,各方受益 Win-win
- 職業選擇 Career move
- 從頭再來 Back to the drawing board
- 做主 Call the shots
- 就看此人的決定 The ball is in someone’s court
- 打破常規地思考 Think outside the box
- 暫時擱置 On the back burner
- 奇思妙想 Blue-sky thinking
- 坐辦公室的人 Desk jockey
- 別著急,悠著點! Gently does it!
- 趕緊的,快點 Get a move on
- 冗長拖沓 Long-drawn-out
- 三三兩兩,零零碎碎 In dribs and drabs
- 逐漸有趣,緩步成功 Slow burner
- 穩扎穩打 Slowly but surely
- 慢慢來,不著急 Take your time
- 慢如蝸牛 At a snail’s pace
- 一路順利,提前抵達 Make good time