- 建造巨石陣的古人也吃甜食? Stonehenge builders' diets
- Sick as a parrot 失望透頂
- 迅猛刺激,扣人心弦 Fast and furious
- 雷厲風行,風馳電掣 Speed demon
- Should boredom be boring? 工作 “悶壞了” 怎么辦?
- 人類活動使森林成為凈碳排放源 Human activity makes forests emit carbon
- Eke out 精打細算
- 馬上,一晃 In two shakes (of a lamb’s tail)
- 欲速則不達 More haste, less speed
- Say no more 別說了,我懂
- 收禮時的客套話 You shouldn’t have
- 說干就干 No sooner said than done
- Is there a friend for life? 是否存在一輩子的朋友?
- “凌日搜索計劃” 招募志愿者在家中參與太空觀測 Transit Survey seeks armchair astronomers
- “提拉米蘇之父” 逝世 'Father of tiramisu' dies
- 爭分奪秒,趕著點完成任務 Beat the clock
- 突飛猛進 By leaps and bounds
- 協議好的事很快生變;塵埃未定 Before the ink is dry
- Humour and resilience 用幽默面對生活
- An ageing population 人口老齡化
- 英國數千座紅色電話亭將得以保存 Thousands of UK’s red phone boxes to be saved from closure
- Scrub up well 好好打扮一番
- 羞怯靦腆的人 A shrinking violet
- 習慣性動物,一成不變的人 Creature of habit
- Surviving the winter blues 撐過冬季帶來的憂郁情緒
- 多動癥診斷中的性別差異 Gender gap in ADHD diagnosis
- Not looking/feeling too clever 氣色不好/感覺不舒服
- 心滿意足的人,樂天派 Happy camper
- 無與倫比,出類拔萃 Be in a class of one’s own
- Why do people like horror films? 人們為什么愛看恐怖片?
- 美國國家航空航天局開展小行星防御任務 Nasa mission to smash into asteroid launches
- Not like the sound of something 某消息不合我意
- 非同凡響,耀眼奪目 Larger than life
- 非常慷慨大方 Generous to a fault
- Achieving net zero 氣候變化挑戰下如何實現 “凈零排放”
- “阿奇” 入圍最熱門男孩名榜單前十 ‘Archie’ enters the top 10 of most popular boys’ names
- I’ll give you that 我部分同意
- 精力充沛的人 Live wire
- 道貌岸然、討好賣乖的人 Goody-goody
- What’s the best way to read a book? 哪種閱讀方式最好?
- 基因沉寂藥物有望改善卟啉病患者生活 Gene silencing medicine transforms crippling pain
- Another string to your bow 有兩手準備,還有一手
- 掃興的人 Wet blanket
- The benefits of learning a musical instrument 學習樂器的好處
- 英國薩里郡發現害蟲 “臭屁蟲” Stink bug discovered in the UK
- Clap back 回擊、頂嘴
- 舉足輕重、有號召力的人 Mover and shaker
- 獨來獨往、不合群的人 Lone wolf
- The cost of going to a wedding 出席婚禮的花銷
- 早期嬰兒治療可減少自閉癥確診人數 Early baby therapy could reduce autism diagnoses