- Talk through your hat 信口開河
- 一點壞心眼都沒有,心地善良 Not have a bad bone in one’s body
- 工作賣力的人 Eager beaver
- Why we forget 我們為什么會忘事?
- 生物多樣性喪失可能造成 “生態崩潰” Biodiversity loss risks 'ecological meltdown' – scientists
- Quote… unquote 在口語中的用法
- 衣冠整潔,一絲不亂 Not a hair out of place
- 自以為無所不知的人 Know-it-all
- Could lending affect your friendship? 借錢會影響你的友誼嗎?
- 稀有鳥類回歸威爾士 Rare birds are returning to Wales
- Not a patch on something 遠不如之前那個好
- 用專業術語唬人 Blind you with science
- 當是經驗教訓 Chalk something up to experience
- Do we still need to write by hand? 數碼時代用手寫字有什么好處?
- 英國面粉將加入葉酸以預防嬰兒先天缺陷 Folic acid to be added to UK flour to help prevent birth defects
- No cap 說真的
- 記在心里 Make a mental note
- 請教某人 Pick someone’s brains
- How to be more resilient 什么是 AQ?聊聊如何提高你的適應力
- 英國懷特島發現兩個新的恐龍物種 Two new dinosaur species discovered on the Isle of Wight
- Moreish 讓人吃了還想吃
- 我完全不懂 It’s all Greek to me
- 循序漸進 Walk before one can run
- 領悟很快/慢 Quick/slow on the uptake
- 涉及面廣 Cover a lot of ground
- Getting ready for university 為大學生活做準備
- AI in the home 家居生活智能化
- 自然報告:金槍魚部分品種數量回升,鯊魚和鰩數量下降 Tuna species on the rise but sharks and rays on the decline
- 昆蟲數量的減少與路燈有關 Streetlights linked to insect decline
- A legend in one’s own lifetime/lunchtime 有生之年就聲名顯赫/自命不凡
- Live rent-free in one’s head 在腦海中揮之不去
- 知識就是力量 Knowledge is power
- Now you’re talking 這才對嘛,這才像話
- 以某人為榜樣 Take a leaf out of someone’s book
- 容易實現的目標 Low-hanging fruit
- 一頭霧水 Can’t make head nor tail of something
- How to be a better saver 如何成為攢錢高手?
- Minimalism vs maximalism 極簡主義和極繁主義
- 響尾蛇為迷惑接近者切換響動頻率 The sound of rattlesnakes
- 阿司匹林可能有助對抗部分乳腺癌類型 Study finds aspirin could help in treating some breast cancers
- Hits different 格外觸動
- 了如指掌 Know something back to front
- 本來可能發生的事情 Might-have-been
- The benefits of being an introvert 性格內向有哪些好處?
- 天文學家捕捉到宇宙星系超清圖像 Galaxies seen in ultra-high definition
- Extra 太過頭、太夸張
- 非常尷尬;局促不安 Not know where to put oneself
- 學會做某事,掌握竅門 Get the hang of something
- How to maintain your privacy online? 如何在網上保護個人隱私?
- 人工智能或能在一日內診斷出失智癥 Artificial Intelligence may diagnose dementia in a day