- Nine times out of ten十之八九
- Ins and outs來龍去脈
- Boil down to something歸根結底為
- Ten out of ten滿分
- Happy bunny快樂兔指“快樂的人”
- Cut loose一語多意:疏遠關系或盡情享樂
- Wine and dine設酒宴招待
- Happy as Larry欣喜若狂、非常高興
- Grit one’s teeth咬緊牙關
- Lay it on thick過分吹捧、責難
- All-singing, all-dancing技術先進,功能齊全的
- Do something off your own bat主動去做一件事情
- Pleased as Punch心花怒放
- Start with a clean slate改過自新,重新開始
- On tenterhooks惶恐不安、提心吊膽
- Get a head start獲得領先優勢
- Take baby steps向目標小步前進
- Wet behind the ears乳臭未干
- Green shoots復蘇
- Have your nose in a book埋頭讀書
- Nobody is perfect人無完人
- Run it past you請教一下,請過目
- A rough diamond一個外粗內秀的人
- Work one's fingers to the bone拼命工作
- Tipping point轉折點
- Knock-on effect連帶效應
- As clean as a whistle非常干凈,沒有污點
- In the driving seat掌握主導權
- Show someone the ropes教人做事的竅門
- Number-crunching大量的數字運算
- 喋喋不休地說個不停Drone on
- Honeymoon is over蜜月期結束了
- Steep learning curve陡峭的學習曲線
- Be like chalk and cheese迥然不同
- Bring home the bacon養家糊口
- A split second一瞬間
- A wolf in sheep’s clothing一只披著羊皮的狼
- A figment of somebody’s imagination某人憑空想象的東西
- A square meal一頓飽飯
- Gentleman’s agreement君子協定
- The done thing合乎禮節的舉止
- A penny for your thoughts你在想什么?
- Variety is the spice of life豐富多彩的生活才樂趣橫生
- Play it by ear見機行事
- Put two and two together根據現有情況推斷
- Young blood新生力量
- Young at heart心態年輕
- Look like a million dollars看起來棒極了
- Have eyes bigger than one's stomach眼大肚子小
- Travel light輕裝旅行