- Skin and bones皮包骨頭 骨瘦如柴
- To have no appetite for something對事物“不感冒”
- A narrow escape僥幸逃脫
- To fall on deaf ears置若罔聞
- Have seen better days今非昔比 光彩不再
- To tick all the boxes滿足所有的要求 符合所有的標準
- Keep your wits about you!保持頭腦清醒 隨機應變
- Fall by the wayside今日短語:半途而廢
- Name and shame點名批評
- A chip off the old block相貌品性酷似父母
- Food for thought“精神食糧”引人深思
- The upper hand占據上風
- To fight fire with fire以牙還牙
- Business as usual一切照舊
- Flesh and blood血肉之親
- Mix business with pleasure寓商于樂
- As safe as houses非常安全
- To touch a raw nerve觸及痛處
- To get your foot in the door踏入職場的大門
- To be footloose and fancy-free自由自在 無拘無束
- To jump ship棄船先逃=跳槽
- To tickle your taste buds刺激你的味蕾
- To have the Midas touch擁有“點石成金”的賺錢本領
- A change is as good as a rest調換工作益如休息
- Yes-man唯命是從的人;好好先生
- A clean bill of health身體健康證明/公司運營合格證明
- To come down to the wire直到最后一刻才見分曉
- Cutthroat競爭激烈
- To cut corners貪便宜 走捷徑
- Corner the market壟斷市場
- To stay ahead of the curve占得先機,保持領先
- To pass the buck推卸責任
- To lose one's touch失去做某事的能力
- To foot the bill買單
- To go weak at the knees喜歡得腿發軟
- The one命中注定的另一半
- No strings attached無附加條件,無附帶限制
- To burn the midnight oil開夜車
- To beef something up加強充實 改善提高
- To bury the hatchet言歸于好
- Up-and-coming前程似錦
- To get something off the ground啟動,開始(項目、活動)
- To get back into the swing of things回歸常態
- To raise the bar抬高標準
- To sit tight耐心等待,按兵不動
- To break the ice破冰,打破冷場
- To add fuel to the fire火上澆油
- To be on someone’s radar引起某人的注意
- To get a foot on the ladder跨進職業生涯的門檻
- Hammer out a deal/agreement敲定一筆交易、達成一項協議