- Pigs might fly太陽打西邊出來了
- Stick to something堅持下去,信守承諾
- Give something a go試一把
- Take up開始參與新活動
- Order a takeaway訂外賣
- Eat in or take away堂食或外帶
- Go off食物變質
- Have a look around四處看看
- Meet up with與人見面
- Hit the books做功課、看書
- As mad as a hatter短語:瘋瘋癲癲
- Go over仔細檢查
- Out of shape身材走形
- Wolf down狼吞虎咽
- Personal best個人最好成績
- Rub someone up the wrong way把某人惹怒
- Dance to the beat of one's own drum我行我素
- Pull an all-nighter短語:開夜車
- Push yourself突破自我
- Cram考前抱佛腳
- Work out鍛煉身體
- Square the circle做不可能的事情
- A chequered past好壞參半的過去
- Want for nothing要什么有什么
- Fight like cat and dog爭吵不休
- Crisis averted危機已解除
- A fair-weather friend酒肉朋友
- Live in clover養尊處優
- The pot calling the kettle black五十步笑百步
- Train your sights on something立志做
- Be streets ahead遙遙領先
- Over-egg the pudding短語:畫蛇添足
- The life and soul of the party靈魂人物
- The third degree嚴厲盤問
- Knuckle down開始努力工作、學習
- Be in the hot seat處境尷尬,身負難任
- Blow hot and cold忽冷忽熱,搖擺不定
- Talk of the devil曹操,曹操就到
- Rain on your parade潑冷水
- When reality bites當現實給了你一巴掌的時候
- The sands of time時間的流沙
- Away with the fairies心不在焉、不切實際
- Too many cooks spoil the broth廚子太多燒壞湯,人多誤事
- Rose-tinted spectacles過于樂觀的態度
- Too hot to handle過于棘手,難以掌控
- Place in the sun好境遇
- To swim upstream逆流而上
- Catch the sun皮膚被曬黑
- Walking on sunshine興高采烈,喜不自勝
- Indian Summer秋老虎